Philip Littell is a performer, writer and director who works in classical and experimental theater, cabaret, performance art, opera and film. From his beginnings as a mute in The Weba Show, he developed into a singer-songwriter with his own bands, made musical theater works and moved into the opera field, creating librettos for The Dangerous Liaisons (Conrad Susa) and A Streetcar Named Desire (Andre Previn) for The San Francisco Opera. His latest, Girl With A Pearl Earring (Stefan Wirth) for Zurich Opera is postponed till 2022. He is a member of the Gawdafful National Theater, a Los Angeles based art and theater company devoted to creative risk and experimentation.


How am I adapting to conditions?

As opportunistically as a virus.


Somewhat impatiently, “Philip, nothing is like anything!”

— Tom Eyen

“A film director is always happy, because he is always making his film in his head. "

— Max Ophuls

Barbara Bel Geddes, during a break on the set of Dallas, “What was it like working with Max Ophuls? Well… he was always pinching me! "